Session 8: Government Reporting

This page will outline the topics included in the Government Reporting session.


The session focuses on the following government reporting requirements: AVETMISS, AVETMISS VIC, PIR, and TCSI. Depending on your business or institution’s needs, we will cover all the necessary details to set you up properly for you to be in compliance with all the mandated reports.

Learning outcomes

  • Discuss relationships and structure of AVETMISS required files.

  • Describe the reporting scope and file structure of PIR Reports in Paradigm.

  • Summarise and recognise TCSI Push Rules.

  • Be familiar with the menus and tools helpful in TCSI live reporting.


Duration: 60 minutes

Complexity: Medium

This section will provide an overview of AVETMISS, the national standard for the collection of VET data. We will also give you the relationships and the file structure of all the AVETMISS NAT files (NAT00010 - NAT00130). At the end of this section, we will outline the workflow on how to use Paradigm EMS to generate each reporting file and submit it to NCVER's AVETMISS Validation Software for validation.


Resource Links:


Duration: 60 minutes

Complexity: Medium

This section will provide an overview of AVETMISS, the Victorian state standard for the collection of VET data. We will also outline the file structure under each AVETMISS NAT File for you to understand where the field draws from. This section will end with a demonstration of the workflow on how to use ParadigmEMS – generate each reporting file so you can submit the file to Victorian AVETMISS Validation Software (Skills Victoria Training System) for validation.


  • VICVET NAT00010 - Training Organisation File: Relationships and Structure

  • VSR/VSN Reports

  • Unit Assessment Results

  • QILT SES Reporting

Resource Links:

3. PIR

Duration: 60 minutes

Complexity: Medium

This section will provide guidelines on how to generate the Provider Information Request (PIR) report from Paradigm, the reporting scope and file structure for the Course of Study Report, PLE Report in Paradigm, PIR past course completions report, and the Student (PSD) Report. At the end of this section, we will provide the workflows on how to run all these reports in Paradigm.


  • List of PIR Reports you can generate in Paradigm

    • Course of Study

    • Course

    • Campus

    • Course on Campus

    • Students

    • Course Admissions

    • Deletions Non-University

  • PIR Reviewing Data

Resource Links:


Duration: 60 minutes

Complexity: Medium

This section will give you all the must-know information related to TCSI Reporting – depending on your institution, this section will cover the following: all the packets and sub-packets of TCSI Reporting for Higher Education Providers, for VET Student Loans, Push Rules, Remapped Elements, and an outline of all the elements that have been migrated from HEIMS to TCSI with one or more options defined or changed otherwise.


Resource Links:

5. Review

Duration: 10 minutes

Complexity: Medium

After delivering the main topics, there will be some spare time for open discussion. You can ask any questions you have during the training. We will discuss and confirm a date and time for the next training session.


  • Open discussion including Q&A

  • Confirm the schedule for the next training session

  • Outline outcomes of the next session

6. Extension

Duration: 90 minutes

The following tasks are recommended for users to complete at the conclusion of each training session to ensure that the content is understood and to establish familiarity with Paradigm terminology and its user interface.

Any records created during this section may be raised for review at the beginning of the next session to ensure that the data has been entered correctly, for example, meeting the relevant government reporting standard.


  • Run NAT00010-130 Files in Paradigm

  • Run PIR Reports in Paradigm (PCS, PLE, PPS, and PSD)

  • Identify and recall the UIDs related to TCSI Reporting

  • Summarise and recognise the TCSI Push Rules

  • Experiment with the menus and tools helpful in TCSI live reporting.

Presentation Slides

The current version of our presentation slides may be downloaded here. Please check back regularly as we are continually updating our material as we accommodate feedback from our users.

Last updated