Map Status and Code Items to TCSI Values

This page will provide you with the instructions on how to map Status Items in Paradigm to TCSI Allowable Values for real-time reporting


Some of your Status Items that are used for a Course Enrolment Outcome [E599] and Unit Enrolment Status [E355] need to be mapped to the TCSI allowable values for real-time submission of data. To understand the mapping workflow, it is crucial that you understand the design of the Enrolment Status type and items in Paradigm and how they relate to other records in the system.

Code Items that are also TCSI-reportable need to be mapped in Paradigm, an example would be the Method of Delivery [E329], refer to the video tutorial link below.

Enrolment Status Items

The Unit Enrolment and the Course Enrolment share the same list of possible status codes (status type of β€œENROLMENT_STATUS”). This is an intentional system design decision on the basis that any status that is appropriate to be assigned to the course status is also appropriate for the unit, as one is a subset of the other.

With the scope of the TCSI solution, there are two status fields (TCSI Unit of Study Status Code and TCSI Course Outcome Code) that are required to be reported. Rather than creating new fields for these elements, we linked them to our status item table as below.

The Status Items listed below may differ from the items you have in your institution depending on how Paradigm has been historically configured to meet the requirements of your institution.

The table below outlines the default set of status items that are included in a default installation of Paradigm together with the recommended use case for each option. From time to time the need may arise to add additional status items to the system. Providers retain the option of adding to this list, in addition to editing or marking options as hidden.

When adding new status options we recommend that a provider add only a minimal amount of new options to avoid creating ambiguity in the intended use case of a specific status item among users.


  1. Choose System > Search Status Type menus on the side. Enter or type in the Status Type Id field: β€œENROLMENT_STATUS.” Click the SEARCH STATUS TYPES button.


Enter in the Status Type Id field, β€œENROLMENT_STATUS” for both Unit Enrolment [E355] and Course Enrolment [E599], as Paradigm is using the same status type for unit and course enrolments.

  1. An β€œITEMS ASSOCIATED WITH STATUS TYPE” section below will appear showing all the Status Items of the Status Type Id that you’ve searched.

In the example screenshot above. The Completed status item has been chosen to be edited, for the TCSI values to be mapped.

  1. After clicking the status item that you have chosen to map, an EDIT STATUS ITEM DETAILS section will appear below.

    Edit the following information: To map an equivalent TCSI value in Paradigm to TCSI, take note of the following:

    • If the status item that you are editing is only used as a Unit Enrolment Status (E355), only edit the TCSI Unit of Study Status Code field

    • If the status item that you are editing is only used as a Course Enrolment Status (E599), only edit the TCSI Course Outcome Code field

    • If the status item that you are editing is both used in your Unit and Course Outcome status, edit both fields to their TCSI equivalent values.

In the example screenshot above. Since the Completed status item has been chosen to be edited and is both used in Paradigm’s Unit and Course Enrolment statuses, the following fields are mapped:

  • TCSI Unit of Study Status Code (E355) – is set as β€œSuccessfully completed all the requirements” which when selected as a Unit Enrolment status will send a value of 3 to TCSI

  • TCSI Course Outcome Code (E599) – is set as β€œCompleted” which when selected as a Course Enrolment status will send a value of 1 to TCSI

  1. Click the SAVE STATUS ITEM button to save the changes.

Repeat this process for all the other enrolment status items that are related to your business or institution’s reportable unit and course enrolment statuses. Always refer to your institution or business requirements, naming convention/standards, and the TCSI reportable elements for all unit and course enrolments.

Video Tutorial

Map Method of Delivery [E329] to TCSI Values

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