Get All Student TCSI Data

This page contains workflows that show you how to view all data related to a student, that has been submitted for validation by TCSI.


When troubleshooting for TCSI validation errors, or just checking the values that have been submitted to TCSI for a student, it can be convenient to view the student’s data that is currently stored in TCSI. However, we understand that not all users of Paradigm have access to the TCSI Data Entry Portal, so we added the Get all student TCSI data menu in Paradigm to help all users at your institution with their TCSI error resolution endeavours.

This article gives an overview of this feature, with links to all the possible values and codes a student record can send and receive via the TCSI server.

For up-to-date information on your government reporting requirements as a Provider, you can always visit Reporting | TCSI Support.

Using the Get all student TCSI data menu

  • The Get all student TCSI data will return the values that are currently stored in TCSI as sent via Paradigm or via the TCSI Data Entry Portal for a single student record in Paradigm.

  • The values and fields will depend on each student’s circumstance and include only the fields that are reportable to the government.

  • The fields in the following sample form screenshots are just some of the many possible field values a student record can send and receive from Paradigm to TCSI. For more details on all the element IDs from Paradigm that are reportable to the government, the equivalent Paradigm field names, and where in Paradigm you can locate each element ID, refer to these knowledge articles:


  1. Load the student record in the system that you want to get all TCSI-reported data.

  2. Choose TCSI Reporting > Get all student TCSI data menus on the side. This will retrieve all the data that has so far been reported to TCSI for the student. Refer to the details below for a sample of the data that you can view when using this menu.

The green Data Element Codes shown in the below screenshot of a sample student record under the Get all student TCSI data section in Paradigm are the TCSI Code equivalent of the returned data. To check for more details on the possible values returned from TCSI, search for the Element code in the TCSI Element Dictionary.

The values in the data fields in the screenshot represent the data that is currently stored in TCSI, and these values may be different from the values shown in Paradigm when data updates have been made directly via the TCSI Data Entry Portal.

When you make changes to data in Paradigm and save those changes, the TCSI Data Entry Portal is synchronised with Paradigm and will reflect those changes. When you make changes to the data directly via the TCSI Data Entry Portal, there is no corresponding synchronisation with Paradigm and the student's data will no longer be consistent between the two systems.

The page consists of the following sections, depending on each student's circumstances:


The Student Details section is where you can see all the student’s reportable information that has been submitted to the government, see Student Group > Student Packet on the TCSI website for more details. The screenshot below gives you an overview of the possible values or codes you can see on each field when using the Get all student TCSI data. Some values are set to X to represent the actual data, and the dates are set to the date format.

Following the STUDENT DETAILS section, each of the subpackets is listed as a separate section. Again, each record will depend on each student’s circumstances. In the sample screenshot below, there are two tabs: Student Citizenship and the Student First Address. Note that the First Reported Address packet will only have values or codes returned if the student has reported their address information.


This section is designed to show you all the possible reportable fields and values of the student’s course enrolment record, see TCSI Course admissions Group and Paradigm Course Enrolment page for more details.

The sample screenshot is an overview of the values or codes you can see under the Course Admissions packet and the Basis for Admission packet. Again, the display in this section will depend on each student’s circumstances and should contain all the student’s information or fields that are reportable to TCSI under the TCSI Course Admissions Group. Note that you need to click the SUBPACKETS button for you to see more Admission subpacket data or information under this section.


This section contains the student’s Unit Enrolment packet data or information which are reportable to the government, see the TCSI Unit Enrolment Group page for more details. Note that you need to click the SUBPACKETS button for you to see more unit enrolment subpacket data or information under this section.


This section will appear or will show information if the student is eligible for, or has accessed government loans: e.g. SA-HELP and OS-HELP, see TCSI OS-HELP Loan Packet and SA-HELP Loan Packet pages for more details.

Last updated