Colour Code Resources

This page will provide instructions on how you can change the colour of your resources


Each category of your resources can have its own colour. Refer to the instructions in the Workflow below.


1. Go to the Event Type folder on the left-side menus. Select the event type that you want to customise the colour. Right-click on it and select the Edit option.

2. It will open the Edit window of that event type. Go to the Color field, and make sure that it's currently set as attribute preference "color".

If the Color field is not currently as above, click the dropdown menu and select the "attribute preference color" option - a notification for a need to create a colour attribute for the setting, click Yes to confirm.

3. After checking the Color field and it's now set as the above, go to the Categories folder on the menus on the side. Select the specific category type that you want to change the colour, e.g. Sessions > Lecture. Also, take note of the current colour of all events created as Lecture Session Type.

4. After clicking the Edit button, it will open the Edit window of that specific category. Select the field name on the left. It will show all the editable fields of that category. Click the Change button beside the Color field.

5. The Change button will take you to a small window where you can choose or specify the colour that you want for that category. Note, that you can choose your colour in five ways as shown in the tabs in the screenshot below: Swatches, HSV, HSL, RGB, CMYK.

6. Select or specify your colour, and click OK. The colour field as in the above window (Step 4) will now change to your current selection, click Save.


Clicking the Save button will trigger a change to the colour of all existing events created with your selected category. In the example above, all Lecture sessions are now changed, see the after screenshot below.

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