Add New Resources

This page will give an overview on resources, categories, and will direct you to the instructions on how to add new resources in Rapla.


By default, resources in Rapla are categorised into three: Facility, Equipment, and Staff. These are highly customisable depending on your business or institution's requirements. Adding resources is best done before you create sessions or events, as Rapla has the capability to detect conflicts when it comes to managing your resources. This knowledge article will guide you on how you can add new resources in Rapla by type: Facility, Equipment, and Staff.


If you want to add or customised (more) the types of Resources (than what you have been provided as default), please feel free to raise a ticket or contact our Support Team. The following workflows assume that you have the default resources types as mentioned in the Overview section.


Refer to the following workflows on how to add resources in Rapla:

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