Impact: NONE Change (5)

This page will discuss the implications to a specific change in Rapla you will make to an event already imported to Paradigm.


Change the Delivery Mode of the Session or Event

Resync Status

  • event_id: No Change

  • appointment_id: No Change

  • Message: ERROR: Scheduled Unit NOT FOUND

Paradigm Implications

The session with the changed Delivery Mode will not be imported successfully, posing an error as above. This is true if there is no scheduled unit with that delivery mode created in Paradigm yet. If there is already an existing scheduled unit with that mode of delivery created in Paradigm, it will update the sessions on that scheduled unit that matches the delivery mode accordingly. Note that the sessions previously imported with the original delivery mode will not be automatically deleted upon resync. You have to manually delete those sessions if it no longer applies.

You will need to create a new scheduled unit with the new delivery mode before changing the delivery mode in Rapla, otherwise, Paradigm will post an error ‘Scheduled Unit NOT FOUND’ when initiating the Rapla session import, see Prepare scheduled unit records.

Last updated