Validate Imported Data

This page will help you check and validate the sessions imported against your Scheduled Unit records in Paradigm.


Right after you have imported your sessions from Rapla to Paradigm, you can validate your sessions in Paradigm if they are indeed synced successfully by the following methods: per Scheduled Unit record or by using Report Builder. Refer to the Workflow section below for the instructions.


Choose between the two methods below the applicable workflow in validating your imported data:

  1. per Scheduled Unit record - If you only synced one Unit Code from Rapla, you have the option to check the sessions and validate the details by loading the equivalent Scheduled Unit record in Paradigm and going to the SESSION section. Refer to the instructions below for more details.

  2. by using Report Builder - If you have synced sessions in bulk, within a specific time period, or with a lot of Unit Codes, you have the option to validate the imported data by using Report Builder.

1. per Scheduled Unit record

1. Choose Units > Scheduled Unit Details menus on the side. Enter the Unit Code and click the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button.

2. by using Report Builder

You have the option to build your report from scratch by using the Session Details as your base report. Refer to our Report Builder documentation.

Alternatively, you can also use one of the default reports available in Paradigm, the REPORT SESSION LISTING.

1. Choose Reports > Provider menus on the side, go to the report named REPORT SESSION LISTING and click the GET REPORT button.

2. Enter your search criteria depending on if you want to get all the session details or search the scheduled units with their associated sessions.

3. Select the SEARCH SCHEDULED UNIT button if you want to view the sessions by scheduled unit. Click the VIEW CLASSES button against the scheduled unit that you want to validate the sessions.

4. Selecting the VIEW CLASSES button will open a page where all the session details of that scheduled unit are listed, see sample result below.


Selecting the GET ALL SESSION DETAILS button will also render the same format result as in the screenshot above except that it will display all the sessions based on your search criteria from Step 3.

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