Use Multiple Appointments

This page will provide the instructions when adding an event with multiple appointments in Rapla.


An event in Rapla can be set into multiple appointments. This will allow you the flexibility to add another day/appointment in your event in addition to your current one, e.g. a lecture that will run every Monday and Wednesday of the week that you want your students to attend both. Your Monday schedule is one appointment while Wednesday will serve as your second one. This knowledge article will provide you with the steps on how to add or edit an event's appointment in Rapla.



The instructions below assume that you have already filled out the first section when adding an event in Rapla, see Choose an Event Type and created at least one appointment in your event, see Repeat Events.


When creating sessions with the group and class number values in Rapla with multiple appointments, and you don’t want the student to attend ALL of the appointment series in that session/event, you have to make sure that each unique group and class number combination is created as one Paradigm Session/Event. Each new appointment created within a session/event will inherit the group and class number values being set for that session/event, see Example Events.

1. Edit the event that you want to add multiple appointments and go to the Appointments section. The existing event that you have created for that event will be shown on the screen specifying all the details on the right.

2. To add another appointment to an existing event, click the New button on top of the first appointment on the left. Note that a new appointment will appear in the next row with the same details the same as your first appointment on the right.

3. Edit the details on the right if the appointment that you just added will not have the same information as the first appointment. Refer to the description of each of the controls on the right from the previous page.

4. After setting up all the required details for your repeating event, you have the option to add more appointments or proceed to allocate resources.

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