Add Exception Dates

This page will provide the instructions when adding excepted days to a repeating event in Rapla.


A repeating event in Rapla can have days that you want to be excepted, e.g. it falls into a holiday or a no-school day. If you have already synced the Session/Event to Paradigm, the exceptions that you will add will automatically be deleted in Paradigm once you do a resync with the changes you will make.



The instructions below assume that you have already filled out the first section when adding an event in Rapla, see Choose an Event Type and created at least one repeating appointment in your event, see Repeat Events or added multiple appointments, see Use Multiple Appointments.

1. Edit the event that you want to add exceptions to its appointment and go to the Appointments section. The existing event and all its appointments that you have created for that event will be shown on the screen specifying all the details on the right.


If you have multiple appointments, ensure that you select the exact appointment to which you want to add the exceptions. You will be guided by the colour. In the screenshot below there are two appointments added, 1 is yellow and the 2 is purple.

2. With the appointment selected, on the right side click the Exceptions button.

3. The Exceptions window will appear to add all the days you want to be excepted to the appointment. Select a date by clicking on the Exception days dropdown calendar and click Add. Repeat this process until you've added all the desired excepted days. You also have the option to remove the dates that you've added by selecting the dates on the list and clicking Remove.

5. After adding all your exceptions, you have the option to add exceptions to your other appointment on the left - just make sure that it's selected before you add the exceptions again, add more appointments or proceed to allocate resources.


If you have already synced the Session/Event to Paradigm, the exceptions that you have added will automatically be deleted in Paradigm once you do a resync with the changes from Rapla to Paradigm.

Last updated