Impact: LOW Change (2)

This page will discuss the implications to a specific change in Rapla you will make to an event already imported to Paradigm.


Rapla Appointments section - Delete one of the Appointments under the Paradigm Session or Event with two or more Appointments with or without enrolments

Resync Status

  • event_id: No Change

  • appointment_id: No Change

  • Message: Success

Paradigm Implications

When deleting an Appointment under the originally imported Paradigm Session/Event, the appointment will be deleted in Rapla but not in Paradigm when you do the resync. The previously imported appointment that you’ve deleted will remain in Paradigm even if you do the import again. If you want that appointment deleted both in Rapla and Paradigm, you have also to delete the sessions manually in Paradigm.

For those sessions which have already enrolled students, their session will automatically be updated based on your actions on those deleted Appointments. If you’ve deleted the Appointment sessions in Paradigm, they will automatically be removed from their timetable, if not, the sessions remain in their timetable.


When you will delete ALL the Appointments under the Paradigm Session/Event, including the base appointment(1st one created) under the Appointments section, Rapla won’t allow you to do it and will pose an error similar to the screenshot below. To delete ALL the Appointments is equivalent to deleting the entire Paradigm Session/Event.

Last updated