Impact: LOW Change (1)

This page will discuss the implications to a specific change in Rapla you will make to an event already imported to Paradigm.


Rapla Appointments section - Add one or more (New) Appointments under the originally created Paradigm Session or Event with no other sub-appointments originally, with or without enrolments


Adding new appointments under a Paradigm Session/Event is NOT recommended if you are using the Session Group and Class, see Use Multiple Appointments.

Resync Status

  • event_id: No Change

  • appointment_id: No Change to the originally imported appointment sessions

    • Generated new appointment_id for the new appointment sessions

  • Message: Success

Paradigm Implications

Each time there is a new appointment created under the same Rapla event, it will generate a new rapla_appointment_id (regardless if the new appointment is a single event or repeated event, it will only generate one rapla_appointment_id under the same appointment).

If there are no enrolments yet, the newly added appointments will just be added in the SESSIONS of the Scheduled Unit and will be automatically included as part of the sessions of that scheduled unit for future enrolments.

If there are already enrolments, the newly added appointments will automatically be added to the student’s timetable. Students who were enrolled in the original session/appointment will automatically be enrolled in the newly created appointment.

Last updated