Section 2: Top Menu Bar

This page will provide a brief description of each top menu option or the buttons found in the top menu bar.


The top menu bar gives you control over the view found in Section 3: Main Calendar View. This contains the regular menu items (File, Edit, View, and Help), and the currently logged-in user. If you are an administrator, you have the option to switch between accounts. This section also has the two types of Filters you can use, and all the other buttons and menus to control the main calendar view.

Top Section: Menus and Buttons

Refer to the following breakdown of the menus and buttons you can see on the Top Menu Bar:

Top Menus

The Top Menus consist of the File, Edit, View, and Help options. The only menu item here that you would normally use is the Edit > Options > Calendar if you want to make some changes on the Main Calendar View, see Calendar Edit Preferences for more details.

Currently Logged In User

Shows the username of the currently logged-in user. If you are an admin user, you can switch between accounts if you want to change some configuration/settings to other users of Rapla, see Switch Account View for more details.

Save Button

Save button for the left side of the filter setting (mainly for resources and Persons)

Publish URL Button

Publish URL button, a popular option is HTML Publish. This is useful if you want to give a copy of the sessions or events created to non-Rapla users. To learn more about this feature, go to Publish HTML Calendar View

Minimise Button

Minimise the left side of the configuration tree, if selected, Rapla only displays the main calendar view.

Calendar Type View

The calendar type view allows you to switch between Week, Week/Resource, Month, Day/Resource, Day, Appointments, and Events, see Calendar Types for more details.

Date Selection Bar

The date selection bar allows you to either enter a new date or click the forward and back arrows.

Time Period View

Select this option before creating any Paradigm Session event type. You can also select this option if you want to check the events created in a particular time period, see Create Time Periods.

Filters Menu

There are two types of filters you can use in Rapla to control your main calendar view. The first one on the right will let you filter the view by Event Type while the one on the left is by Resource Type, see Apply Filters for more details.

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