Add New Resource or Event Type

This page will provide workflows on how you can create a new resource or event type in Rapla.


The resources and event types on the left side configuration menu folders can be customised. You can edit, delete, and add new types as necessary and as required. A note on the Paradigm Session event type, as this is the event type to be synchronised to Paradigm, it is highly recommended that you raise a ticket if you want to make changes to this event type.


1. Right-click on the Resources folder if you want to add a new resource type, or right-click on the Event Type folder if you want to add a new event type instead.

  • For the Resources folder, select New > Resource Type

  • For the Event Type folder, select New > Event Type

2. An Edit Type window will appear where you can add all the fields you want for that new type that you want to create.

Refer to the instructions below on how to fill out each section.

A. Type Name Fields

Field NameDescription

Type Name

name of the new resource or event type that you want to add, e.g. Seminar or Student Forum to add a new event type

Element Key

the key name equivalent name you want for that new type to have, recommended format: the same as the Name field but all capital and replace spaces with an underscore, e.g. SUBJECT

B. Add New Attributes

This section will let you add all the fields that you want the user to enter when adding the new field type that you are about to add. Refer to the Add New Fields page for the workflow.

C. Displayed Name Format

This section will let you customise the event name format you want to be displayed in the main calendar view each time an event of the type you are about to add is created. Refer to the Change Events Name Format page for the workflow.

You also have the option to allow a change for each attribute's category colour. Refer to the Colour Code Resources page for the workflow.

D. Permissions

You have the option to change the access of each group permissions available for your new resource or event type. Select the group permission level that you want to change access to and select the option as required.

Related Workflow: Manage User Accounts

3. Click the Save button after you have filled out the sections mentioned above.

Last updated