Add New Fields

This page will provide instructions on how to add new fields as one of the workflows when you want to change the data schema in Rapla.


Adding a new field when adding resources or creating events in Rapla is possible. By default, the fields that you can currently see are based on the requirements you have discussed with us during the onboarding process. Refer to the Workflow below for the instructions on how to add new fields.


1. Go to the Event Type or Resources Type folder on the left-side menus. Select the event or resources type that you want to add a new field. Right-click on it and select the Edit option.

2. It will open the Edit window of that event type or resources type that you've selected. Check the Attributes section and double-check if the field that you want to add does not exist yet. If the field is already existing, you just need to go through the process of making it visible.

To add a new field, click the New button on top of the Attributes section. This will add a new attribute with all the fields that you need to fill out.

Refer to the table below for a description of each field that you need to enter when adding a new field to an event or resources type:

Field NameDescription


name of the new field that you want to appear on the main view, e.g. Event Fee


the attribute equivalent name you want for that field to have, recommended format: the same as the Name field but all capital and replace spaces with an underscore, e.g. EVENT_FEE


let you set a default value of your new field, you can set it as blank if you don't want to indicate a default value for this field

Edit View

choose Main View if you want the field to be displayed in the create event type fields, Additional Information if *, and Invisible if you don't want to make it available yet


Field Type



select this type if you want the field to be added answerable by a yes or a no


if it's a free-text entry field


if you require a number to be inputted




if the field is intended to be filled out with a date format

3. Click the Save button to add the new field.


Clicking the Save button will now add the field to the event or resource type fields when creating that type of event or resource. Following the example above, refer to the before and after screenshots below.


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