Install the App

This will guide you on the installation process and requirements of Rapla, how and where to get the JNLP file and your login credentials.

Installation Requirements

Rapla is supported by the Java Runtime Environment which is an external application that must be installed on your computer. Download the latest version of Java to suit your version of the operating system. Refer to this for further instructions. Consult your local IT Representative if you encounter any issues during the installation process.

How to obtain the JNLP file

  • You will require access to download a copy of the Rapla application launcher, or the JNLP (Java Network Launch Protocol) file customised for your business or institution’s requirements. This file may be obtained from your Nominated Contact Person or Paradigm Administrator, or by raising a request for support via the Help Desk portal.

  • If you are the Nominated Contact Person or Paradigm Administrator in your business or institution, please raise a request via the Help Desk portal or talk to one of our support teams to discuss your Rapla requirements and get a copy of your Rapla file and login credentials.

  • If you are one of the administrators of Paradigm in your business or institution and would like to use or install Rapla, please contact your Nominated Contact Person or Paradigm Administrator.


  1. Download the JNLP file to your computer.

  2. After the download, go to the Downloads folder on your computer (if your download directory or folder destination has been customised or changed, navigate to where the JNLP file has been saved).


The filename is usually your business or institution’s name, followed by a space and the word 'Rapla', with a file extension of .jnlp.

3. Double click the file, and wait for the Rapla login window to appear.

4. Enter your Username and Password and click the Login button.


Your Nominated Contact Person or Paradigm Administrator would normally be the first person to be given the login credentials by us. If you are not your business or institution’s Nominated Contact Person, please contact your Nominated Contact Person or Paradigm Administrator for your login credentials, see Add New Users in Rapla.

5. Once you are logged in, your default Rapla environment will open. The screenshot below is an example default Rapla environment.

6. Now that Rapla is installed, proceed to the next section to help you to become more familiar with the Rapla User Interface.

Last updated