Impact: LOW Change (4)

This page will discuss the implications to a specific change in Rapla you will make to an event already imported to Paradigm.


Rapla Appointments section - Convert one repeating Appointment to x number of Single Events

Resync Status

  • event_id: No Change

  • appointment_id: The original rapla_appointment_id changed, each single appointment generates a new rapla_appointment_id

  • Message: Success

Paradigm Implications

A new rapla_appointment_id will be generated when you take the action of converting a repeated event to x number of single events.

Depending on the existing frequency of the Appointment that you have selected and converted into single events, it will create that many single events under the Appointments section, all these newly converted events will be imported as new sessions in Paradigm in addition to the existing or the previously imported ones if you did not delete them prior to the resync. The rest with exactly the same frequency and dates will remain the same.

For example in the above screenshot, since the Friday 3-6 PM weekly which is repeated until the end of the semester – that’s a total of 18 occurrences, when this Appointment is converted into single events, this will just convert that 1 Appointment into 18 single appointments. When imported to Paradigm, if the previously imported appointments are not deleted, it will add another 18 sessions containing their individual dates and time.


To avoid duplicates and whether you want the Rapla sessions to also be reflected in Paradigm, it is highly recommended that you delete first the previously imported sessions in Paradigm before you attempt to do a resync of the changes.

Last updated