Troubleshoot Import Errors

This page will discuss the structure of the results of the import to better understand errors if they arise after the sync.


Right after you synced your Paradigm Session events from Rapla to Paradigm, you will be shown a page with the results of the synced. For an import with no error, you will just normally see a Success message for each Unit Code that you have imported. For cases when you receive error messages after the import, refer to the sections below to understand the sync results in Paradigm.

Understand the Sync Results

In the example screenshot below, the two scheduled unit sessions are imported successfully without errors.

However, for sessions or events with detected errors, Paradigm will provide you with an error message accordingly. To understand the error, it's good to understand first the structure of how Paradigm displays the error for each Unit Code imported.

1. Processing Rapla Session Details

This will serve as the starting point of the checking - Paradigm will do for each Unit Code imported from Rapla. Each Unit Code detected or specified to be imported will always have this starting point message to check for errors

2. Checking the Unit Code Details in Rapla

This section will read the details coded in Rapla for that specific Unit Code. This will include the Session Type, name, group and class numbers, session day, start date, start and end time, room, teacher, provider information, campus code and name, school code and name, session provider code and Id, and the Delivery Mode.

3. Matching the Unit Code Details in Paradigm

This section will compare the details coded in Rapla to its equivalent Scheduled Units in Paradigm, see Prepare Rapla events for the required fields. If it won't detect a match, it will give you an error about a Scheduled Unit not found - meaning, there is no Scheduled Unit in Paradigm recorded equivalent to the details of the Unit Code or Session event in Rapla.

To resolve a Scheduled Unit not found error, refer to the previous pages: Prepare scheduled unit records and Prepare Rapla events.

The sample screenshot below is showing an error with a Session created in Rapla with no matching Provider Code Scheduled Unit created in Paradigm:

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