
This page will provide all related workflows of the tuition fees aspect of Paradigm.

In Paradigm, there are several record levels when you can introduce the tuition fee to each unit enrolment:

  • Do you want to set fee rules with the courses and unit criteria? Do the Add Fee Rules workflow. This will let you set the rules prior to enrolment - whichever meets the rule will be the tuition amount inherited to a new unit enrolment.

  • If you want to override the fee rules or you just want to set the tuition fee in the Scheduled Unit level, refer to the Add Fees to Scheduled Units workflows.

  • Do you have unit enrolments already that you want to edit the tuition amount? Refer to the Unit Enrolment Financial Information Section workflows. Related Workflows: Funding Type | Subsidies and Scholarships

  • Are you offering courses or units that would not fall into a tuition-type category? e.g. Course Fee Tuition Type

Managing your tuition fee-related records in the system is critical for the smooth running delivery of programs and units in your business or institution. The following workflows are helpful in managing your tuition fees depending on how you are using Paradigm when it comes to tracking students' fees.

Refer to the following links for the workflows on how to manage all tuition-fee-related records in the system:

Manage Fee RulesManage Course FeesManage Fees on Scheduled UnitsFunding Types and Scholarships

Record Types

Do you want to know the data fields/table for tuition-fee-related records in Paradigm? Proceed to the Record Types section.


Do you have questions related to tuition fees? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions on tuition fees.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to manage your tuition fees? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated