This page will provide answers and solutions to common questions and issues encountered related to TCSI Reporting in Paradigm.

How to report Cross-Institutional Studies where it won't result in a TCSI error
Can a Provider update the Credit Provider Code drop-down menu
Can I see my TCSI notifications in Paradigm?

TCSI Notifications

Paradigm notifies you of any errors in the data submitted to TCSI in real-time. You also have the option to search for any unresolved (backlog) notifications under the TCSI Reporting > Notifications menus on the side.

Can I see what data has not been reported to TCSI?

Paradigm Get All Student TCSI Data Menu

You can retrieve data submitted to TCSI via the TCSI Reporting > Get all student TCSI Data menus on the side. Refer to the Get All Student TCSI Date knowledge article for more details on how you can use that menu in Paradigm.

Can I see a summary of my TCSI errors?

TCSI Errors Summary

You can view a summary of all your TCSI errors via the TCSI Reporting > Errors menus on the side. The TCSI errors are summarised by the Error Code/ID, the frequency, and in which record type or entity in Paradigm the errors sit.

To resolve TCSI errors, refer to the following workflows:

Where can we turn off β€œSafe Mode” from TCSI?

TCSI Turn Off "Safe Mode"

The question of safe mode is between you and the government. This is something you will need to do with DESE directly.

TCSI Notification: "TFN unmatched..." still showing on the TCSI Notifications screen

TCSI Notification: "TFN unmatched......"

The full notification message is as follows "TFN unmatched - TFN and/or other student details do not match details held by the ATO"

The notifications originate from TCSI and will persist until marked as read. What has likely happened in this case is the student details did not match for a period of time, thus generating the notifications to alert you to take action.

If the student TFN is now matched and confirmed, then you may safely mark those messages as read.

Note these notifications were already available under the TCSI Reporting menu. Adding them to the student summary screen was an attempt to increase awareness of specific messages that may require the attention of staff.

Paradigm Notification differs from TCSI Analytics Notification error

Paradigm differs from TCSI Analytics Notification

Use Case: USI verification notification on TCSI Analytics is showing insufficient details while in Paradigm it's showing a mismatch on the student's first name

The notifications showing in Paradigm originate from TCSI and will persist until marked as read. What has likely happened in this case is the student details did not match for a period of time, thus generating the notifications. If the student USI is now validated, then you may safely mark those messages as read.

Note that these notifications are only downloaded on a timer, meaning what is in Paradigm will lag behind the real-time view of what is in TCSI Analytics.

It is also worth noting that TCSI notifications are not the same thing as reports from TCSI Analytics. The government may flag an issue to your attention in the form of a notification. Separately, they may flag other records to your attention in the form of a TCSI Analytics report.

The outcome is you should routinely check both TCSI Notifications and TCSI Analytics for records that need attention.

Why is TCSI showing a different Upfront Payment Amount [E381]?

TCSI vs Paradigm Upfront Payment [E381] Amount

The Paradigm record and the TCSI record show the same details in different ways.

The Paradigm record discerns between the upfront amount and the subsidy amount, whereas the TCSI record does not make the same distinction.

In the realm of TCSI:

  • the unit fee is the same as the unit fee in Paradigm,

  • the fee-help amount is the same as the fee-help amount in Paradigm,

  • the amount paid upfront is represented by the difference between the amount charged and the help loan amount.

The TCSI value of the amount paid upfront makes no distinction whether the amount was paid upfront by the student, or the amount was paid on behalf of the student by the provider as a subsidy. This amount represents the sum of all amounts other than the fee-help loan amount.

Can I see the Credit Used Value E560 of each Credit Unit Enrolment sent to TCSI?

Credit Used Value E560 of each Credit Unit Enrolment

If you created a prior credit by enrolling the students to the Credit Units as Exempt, each prior credit record that you have submitted to TCSI is linked to the Unit Enrolment record with the Credit Used Value (E560) reported, see Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Exemptions

Is it possible for us to transition our Credit reporting from dummy units to reporting against actual Unit Enrolments?

TCSI Credit Reporting from Dummy Units to Real Unit Enrolments

Replacing the dummy units with real ones won't impact TCSI reporting significantly. The previous credit packet contains only an EFTSL value, a reason code, and a provider code indicating where the credit originated. It's only within Paradigm that we link unit enrolments to credit packets, facilitating tracking of reported credits.

In terms of TSCI reporting, it's feasible to delete and recreate credits against different units, but practically, this won't alter which unit enrolment the credit is associated with, as TCSI doesn't mind this detail. Their concern lies in ensuring that the sum of unit enrolment EFTSL and prior credit packet EFTSL equals the course EFTSL. Essentially, there's flexibility in managing this process across degrees.


Do you encounter error messages or issues from Paradigm when trying to record TCSI reportable fields, e.g. "No Response", etc.? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Note that errors returned from TCSI with the specific error code can be referred to our TCSI Validation Errors page for our recommended resolution.

Last updated