This page will provide answers and solutions to common questions and issues encountered related to system configuration.

Does Paradigm have a Grade Book or Grade Schema?

Grade Book | Grade Schema

The Paradigm Grade Book or Grade Schema can be found under System > Search Grade Type, see Grade Schema.

Does Paradigm support multiple type of grading schemes?

Paradigm Supported Grade Schema

Paradigm can support multiple different grade books. Grade books can be assigned to each individual course. This means Paradigm can support as many grading schemes as courses being offered by an institution, see Grade Schema.

How many grading schemes can Paradigm have per course?

Grading Schema Per Course

Paradigm can have grading schemes for both the final unit/subject and individual assessment tasks. These grading schemes are independent of one another, see Grade Schema and Entering Results.

How do you change the timetable period for students to see?

Timetable Configuration Period

The TIMETABLE is a configuration period that can be set to control which Scheduled Units are showing on the Student and Staff View Timetable screens. It also controls the session start and end dates imported from Rapla.

Refer to the instructions in the Time Periods Workflow: Edit Configuration Periods to edit your TIMETABLE period.

Paradigm has many fields and looks complex. Can I hide fields ?

Hiding Fields in Paradigm

Fields that are not relevant to your current requirements can be hidden. You also have the option to hide the fields only on specific Permission Level or Access as some fields are irrelevant or not meant to be seen by other users.

Refer to the instructions on the workflow: Make a Form Field Hidden

Paradigm has menu options can they be edited?

Customise the System Menu Options

You have the option to customise the System Menu Options to only show the menus that are being used in your business or institution. Paradigm also supports you further on this by allowing you to customise the menus by Permission Level or Access Level. This way, you can control what menus each of your users' assigned Permission Level can see on their screen.

Refer to the instructions on the workflow: Edit System Side Menus

Can I add more options for TCSI Reportable questions?

Adding More TCSI Code Options: Is it possible?

For example, Highest Prior Attainment E620-drop down list.

As it is a government-reported field. Any extra values apart from those in the list will cause you issues with government reporting.

If you created new options for the current TCSI values, as we save the TCSI value in the database, you would not get the desired outcome, as the browser would randomly choose a description to show for the multiple matching options.

For example:

Say you set more options and those options are to have a TCSI value of 511 (Cert IV)

Then you go and set a studentโ€™s E620 to that new option (database value of 511 in the field). When paradigm builds the option list:

The newly added options, would all be set as selected because they have the value of 511 and then the browser (9 times out of 10) shows the last item in the option list as selected.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to configure some of the system-related workflows? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated