Record Types
This page will provide the record types related to Providers, Contacts, Agents, and OSHC in Paradigm.
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This page will provide the record types related to Providers, Contacts, Agents, and OSHC in Paradigm.
Last updated
Providers, Contacts, Agents, and OSHC in Paradigm comprise the following record types:
Do you need help with some of the processes related to Providers, Contacts, Agents, and OHSC records? Proceed to the Workflows section.
Do you have questions related to creating or adding Providers, Contacts, Agents, OHSC, etc.? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions related to Provider and Contact Logins.
Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to create or add Providers, Contacts, Agents, and OHSC records in the system? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.