
This page contains all related workflows when doing invoicing and receipting in Paradigm

Unit Enrolment Financial Information Section

The following workflows are related to the Financial Information details of each Unit Enrolment record in the system. Select how you want to proceed:

Accounting Module

The following workflows are applicable if you are using the Accounting Module:

To learn more about the menus and all the sections in the Accounting module, start with the following:

Other Accounting Menus:

Agents and Commissions

Refer to the following workflows if agents and commissions apply to you:

Paradigm Feature

Record Types

Do you want to know the fields related to invoicing and receipting in Paradigm? Proceed to the Record Types section.


Do you have questions related to invoicing and receipting? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions on invoicing and receipting.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to do invoicing and receipting? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated