Record Types

This page will provide the record types related to the student enrolment aspect of Paradigm.

Knowing the available fields you can record in your Student records, Course Enrolments, and Unit Enrolments is paramount to addressing your business needs and requirements. Reporting to the government for compliance would also require you to know where the reportable fields sit in Paradigm.

The Student Enrolment section in Paradigm comprises the following record types:

Student RecordCourse Enrolment RecordUnit Enrolment Record


Do you need help with some of the processes related to Student Enrolments, e.g. adding a Student record, enrolling into courses, enrolling into units? Proceed to the Workflows section.


Do you have questions related to student enrolment? Check the FAQs section where we have collated some of the commonly asked questions on enrolments.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to manage your student-enrolment-related records (Students, Course Enrolments, Unit Enrolments)? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated