This page will provide answers and solutions to common questions and issues encountered when entering results to Unit Enrolments in Paradigm.


If your questions or inquiries are not listed in this article, please raise a support request ticket.

How does the calculation of credit points earned, GPA and Weighted GPA work

When is GPA Calculated

GPA is calculated on the fly and triggered each time that a unit enrolment is updated. The value of the GPA is stored explicitly against the course enrolment record, meaning it can be extracted in a similar way to other fields via report builder / API.

The calculation is automatic. The only time a bulk update is required will be when the GP weighting per grade is changed, or if you are adopting GPA for the first time and historical records need to be calculated in bulk.

Is Weighted GPA the same as Weighted Average Mark (WAM)

Weighted GPA vs Weighted Average Mark (WAM)

No, they reflect different things. GPA is based on letter grade outcomes. WAM is more detailed as it pertains to the numerical mark that is obtained for each unit enrolment. This means WAM is more detailed.


Student 1 earns a raw mark of 68, earning a credit Student 2 earns a raw mark of 61, also earning a credit

Students 1 and 2 will both receive the same GP of say 3 towards their GPA. However, student 1 will have a higher weighted average mark as they earned a higher raw mark (68 compared to 61).

For our GPA calculations, what does each grade description equal to?

Grade Description Numerical Equivalent

You can search for the Grade Type Id called "UNIT_GRADE" via the System > Search Grade Type menus on the side. There you will see the numerical equivalent of the grades if applied in your business or institution. Refer to the Grade Schema knowledge article for more details.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to manage your student-result-related records (Entering Final Grades, Assessment Results, Publishing Grades, Course Completion, etc.)? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated