This page will provide answers and solutions to common questions and issues encountered when creating or managing academic-scheduling records in Paradigm.

Can Students still edit their sessions?

Student Editing Sessions

Paradigm supports Students to amend their session enrolments after they have already been enrolled in their units during a given semester and they now wish to change their session preferences.

As an administrator, there are settings and configurations that need to be maintained to ensure that the student can only edit sessions as intended, see Session Settings and Configuration.

Refer to the instructions on this Workflow on how to edit session enrolments.

Can I reuse a Scheduled Unit by just changing the dates?

On Reusing Scheduled Unit

Scheduled Units CANNOT be reused. A Scheduled Unit represents a one-time delivery of that Scheduled Unit. Updating the details of a Scheduled Unit will change the details of existing students enrolled in that subject. Units should be scheduled for every instance of the delivery of a Scheduled Unit, see Add a Scheduled Unit and Reschedule Units.


Do you encounter error messages or issues while trying to manage your academic scheduling records (Scheduled Program, Scheduled Units, Scheduled Assessments, Manage Sessions)? Proceed to the Troubleshooting section.

Last updated