Allocate Resources
This page will provide the instructions when allocating resources to an event in Rapla.
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This page will provide the instructions when allocating resources to an event in Rapla.
Last updated
Allocating resources in Rapla is the last section to add when creating events. This is one of the benefits of using Rapla because you can manage your resources by allocating them accordingly. This section will also notify you if a particular resource is available to be allocated in the event that you created. This knowledge article will provide you with the steps on how to allocate resources to an event's appointment in Rapla.
The instructions below assume that you have already filled out the first section when adding an event in Rapla, see Choose an Event Type and the Appointments section: created an appointment, see Repeat Events or added multiple appointments, see Use Multiple Appointments, or added exception dates, see Add Exception Dates.
1. Edit the event that you want to allocate resources and go to the Allocations section.
3. Select the resource that you want to add and click the Add button to move your selection on the list on the right. After you've added the resources, the right side will be populated as in the screenshot below. You always have the option to remove and add another resource before you click the Save button.
If you have two or more appointments in one event, you have the option to click on the Every appointment button against each allocated resource on the right to specify which appointment you want each of them assigned to.
Specifying each selected resource to a specific appointment will result in showing like in the sample screenshot below.
2. Select on the Resources folder on the left that you want to allocate, e.g. select Staff if you want to assign a teacher for your session or event. A note on the beside the resource, it would mean a conflict has been detected for this resource and it's not ideal to be allocated for your current event, see Resolve Conflicts.