Apply Filters
This page will discuss the two types of filters available in Rapla and how these two are useful in limiting the contents of your main calendar view.
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This page will discuss the two types of filters available in Rapla and how these two are useful in limiting the contents of your main calendar view.
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Applying filters will affect the contents of your main calendar view. Hidden events will either appear with a semi-transparent overlay or be outright hidden based upon your user profile settings (refer to this page on how to make it transparent or hidden: Calendar Edit Preferences).
The event types, resource types, and all the other variables used to filter more of the sessions and events view are highly customisable. Please feel free to contact our Support Team if you have any questions about the default types and variables mentioned in the examples below.
by Event Type
This filter on the right will filter out the display of your main calendar view by event type: Student Booking, Generic Meeting, Generic Event, and Paradigm Session. You can set rules of all the fields available for each event type to further limit your view. Refer to the workflow below for the instructions on how to filter by event type.
by Resource Type
This filter on the left will filter out the display of your main calendar view by resource type: Facility, Booking, Equipment, and Staff. You can set rules of all the fields available for each resource type to further limit your view. Refer to the workflow below for the instructions on how to filter by resource type.
1. Select the Filter option on the right.
When selected, it will display all the events created with the Student Booking type, unless you’ve added more filters as mentioned in the instructions below.
4 You have the option to be more specific with your filter by clicking the New rule for the dropdown menu and selecting if you want to view either by Student name, Student Number, or Campus.
5. After selecting either by Student name, Student Number, or Campus, a new condition will appear asking you to filter your selection if it contains or starts with by typing on the text field provided or the options, e.g. selecting Student name which contains “Smith” will display events created with Student Booking type with student names which contain “Smith”.
6. You can also nest your rules by selecting the New rule for the dropdown menu again and selecting either by Student name, Student Number, or Campus again. e.g. selecting Campus and selecting one of the campus options.
Other Paradigm Session New rule for options are Department/School, Group Number, and Class number.
The Main Calendar View: With the nested rules applied above, only Unit Codes that contain ‘Accounting’ OR start with ‘ACC’, AND in ‘Melbourne Campus’, AND with a Delivery Mode of ‘On Campus’ will be emphasised. The rest will be blurred out (see sample main calendar view below).
To delete the rules, just click the DELETE button (bin icon) beside your added rules.
To exit from the Filters window, just click the Filter button again. Keep in mind that the changes you’ve made under these menus will automatically be saved. You can always go back and change your filters anytime (as necessary or as required).
1. Select the Filter option on the left.
When selected, it will display all the events created with the Facility resource type, unless you’ve added more filters as mentioned in the instructions below.
4. You have the option to be more specific with your filter by clicking the New rule for the dropdown menu and selecting if you want to view either by Campus, Room Name, Room ID, etc.
5. After selecting a New rule for a variable, a new condition will appear asking you to filter your selection if it contains or starts with by typing on the text field provided or the options, e.g. selecting Room Name which contains “Tute” will display events created with Facility type with room names which contain “Tute”.
6. You can also nest your rules by selecting the New rule for the dropdown menu again and selecting another variable. e.g. selecting Campus and selecting one of the campuses options, facility type and select one of the options.
NOTE: You follow the same instructions for all the other event types in the Filter. The following screenshots will give you an overview of the possible rules or options you can add to filter the calendar or main view, with each event type selected.
To delete the rules, just click the DELETE button (bin icon) beside your added rules.
To exit from the Filters window, just click the Filter button again. Keep in mind that the changes you’ve made under these menus will automatically be saved. You can always go back and change your filters anytime (as necessary or as required).
2. You have the option to select everything (puts a checkmark on all the event types) or select nothing (removes or clears the on all the event types) to all the event types mentioned: Student Booking, Generic Meeting, Generic Event, and Paradigm Session.
3. To select the Student Booking type, make sure that the checkbox is checked.
2 You have the option to select everything (puts a checkmark on all the event types) or select nothing (removes or clears the on all the resource types) to all the resource types mentioned: Facility, Equipment, and Staff.
3. To select the Facility type, make sure that the checkbox is checked.