eCAF Error: There is already an eCAF for this student identification number.


The student's eCAF has been previously processed and when changes are made to the Unit Enrolments, an attempt to Unlink and Resend eCAF to the student results in the following error:

ERROR: The following error(s) occurred with your eCAF enrolment request: [400] Error connecting to the API ( There is already an eCAF for this student identification number, course of study code and date of birth. If you need to make revisions you should do so against the existing data (id XXXXXXX).


The error message indicates that the student has already submitted their eCAF form, and therefore, it cannot be deleted from Paradigm. To delete or cancel the submitted eCAF form, you will need to contact the government's eCAF support team and follow their manual process.

After the submitted eCAF form has been cancelled or deleted from the government site, you can then proceed to click the Unlink eCAF Enrolment button and then Resend eCAF and Invitation. Please refer to the Student eCAF guide for further instructions.

Last updated