Cannot Credit Transfer a Unit from One Course to Another


Cannot Credit Transfer a Unit from One Course A to Another Course B - A Unit Enrolment record in Course B with a TCSI Deleted status or any other non-TCSI reportable statuses already exists


A credit transfer will not be successful if the system detects a duplicate Unit Enrolment on the Course where you want to apply the credit.

Refer to the following steps on how to resolve this issue and do the transfer credit successfully:

  1. Edit the Unit Enrolment record with the TCSI Deleted status/or any other statuses, e.g. Withdrawn, etc., and change the Enrolment Status to Transfer Credit/Exempt (depends on your Enrolment Status naming convention)

  2. Edit the Academic Outcomes accordingly - copy the Academic Outcomes of the Unit Enrolment from the previous/other Course

  3. Save the Unit Enrolment record

  4. After saving the record, for TCSI-reporting Provider, the record will return an INVALID status. To clear it, just click the CLEAR TCSI STATUS button. Doing this will clear the INVALID status from the record and will show the record in Paradigm as non-TCSI reportable.

  5. As this is a transfer credit unit, for compliance - we would also recommend that you fill out the RELATED PRIOR CREDIT section below the record. Click the pencil icon and enter the required fields accordingly.

Last updated