Generate a Bulk List of Student Records

This page contains the possible workflows on how to add student and course enrolment and unit enrolment records to a bulk list to perform bulk operations


Depending on what bulk actions you want to perform in the system, generating a bulk list of records is crucial in targeting your intended list of student records that fit your bulk action. This page contains the workflows and describes the business requirements that each workflow can address.


This workflow of generating a bulk list of students uses the same criteria fields that you use when searching for a single student record in the system. With your search result list of students, you can add them as a bulk list for bulk operations that are related to the Students' records - including but not limited to the following:

The Student Number column is included when using this bulk list.

This workflow of generating a bulk list of students uses the same criteria fields that you use when searching for matching Course Enrolment records in the system. With your search result list of students enrolled in a Course, you can add them as a bulk list for bulk operations that are related to the Students' Course Enrolment records - including but not limited to the following:

The Student Number and Course Enrolment Id columns are included when using this bulk list.

This workflow of generating a bulk list of students uses your own CSV file of required student details, e.g. Student Numbers, Names, etc. that you want to include in your bulk list to perform bulk operations in Paradigm.

When using this bulk list, the workflow can include either the Student Numbercolumn or both the Student Number and Course Enrolment Id columns.

This workflow of generating a bulk list of students uses your own filters or conditions that you have built using the Report Builder menu. You might also use existing saved or base reports that match your target list of students to be included in the bulk list.

When using this bulk list, the workflow can include the Student Number column, both the Student Number and Course Enrolment Id columns, or all three columns (Student Number, Course Enrolment Id, and Scheduled Unit Id).

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