Add Student Photos
This page contains instructions on how to add students' photos in bulk via Paradigm.
Last updated
This page contains instructions on how to add students' photos in bulk via Paradigm.
Last updated
Image File Type - Images can be saved as a number of file types. Image formats that are accepted by Paradigm are PNG, PJPG, JPG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, GD, GD2 JPEG. However, all image files will be saved in the jpg format. Transparency, animation and other additional file headers will be ignored. Paradigm will automatically convert all your student images uploaded into the system into a .jpg file type.
Image File Size - An image has a file size based on its quality (resolution) and how it is generated. Paradigm supports a maximum file size for any single photo image file at 1.91MB. You can include as many student images of that size or smaller, into a zip file that has a maximum allowable size of 80MB. A zip file that is larger than 80MB cannot be processed.
Zipped File - It is a way of reducing the overall file size, by compressing all of the individual image files within the zip file. Paradigm supports and accepts files that have a .zip file extension, but not files of type 7zip, bzip or other compression formats.
File Name - Individual photo filenames should contain the Student ID so that we can match the filename with a specific student. If the filename doesnβt contain the student ID, it can also match on SMS or CRM entity ID. The suggested format should be βStudent_StudentIDβ, or βStudentID_Studentβ. Alternatively, you can just name all the photos with their StudentID numbers.
Choose the System menu > Bulk Upload Student Photos. The UPLOAD STUDENT PHOTOS screen will appear for you to upload the photos. On the UPLOAD STUDENT PHOTOS section, set the βStudent Number position in File nameβ section to
Start if you followed the format of having the Student ID at the start of the filename βStudentID_Studentβ, an example would be β100001_Studentβ.
Select the End option if you followed the format of having the student ID at the end of the filename βStudent_StudentIDβ, an example would be βStudent_100001β.
Change the βHow is the student being associated with the file?β to SMS Entity ID or CRM Entity ID if your photo filenames do not include the student ID.
Click the Choose file button and locate the zipped file that contains the photos. The zipped filename will appear beside the Choose file button.
Click the UPLOAD STUDENT PHOTOS button to upload the photos to the system.
After clicking the UPLOAD STUDENT PHOTOS button, a FILE UPLOAD RESULT Form will appear below, showing you the state of progress of the upload.
Load the studentβs record, see Search a Student record.
After loading the studentβs record, in the Student Summary Page, on the right side of the STUDENT DETAILS Form, you will find the STUDENT IMAGE section.
There are two ways you can add the student photo to this section:
You can either just drag and drop the image from its current folder location to the space with a question mark on it;
Or you can click the Drop student photo to upload button and navigate to where the photo is stored. Select the photo and click the Open button, or you can just double-click on the image and it will be uploaded automatically to the student page.
Following these steps should enable you to see the student photo displayed on the Student Summary Page as part of the Student record.