TCSI Error Code - 10477

Help Loan Amount (E558) is greater than 0.0 reported for a non-loan Student Status Code (E490)

TCSI Error Description

Please check the HELP Loan Amount (E558) and the Student Status Code (E490). Where the Student Status Code (E490) indicates that the student is not accessing a loan, the HELP Loan Amount (E558) must be 0.0.

Error Logic

If the Student Status Code (E490) is '111', '112', '202', '203', '204', '250', '260', '261', '262', '270', '271', '301', '302', '303', '304', '305', '310', '311', '331' or '501' to '510', then the HELP Loan Amount (E558) must be 0.0.

Paradigm Error Resolution

Loan Fee Amount is incorrect (It could be that you have the Unit Enrolment set as FEE-HELP, but the E490 field is set to UPFRONT). Resubmitting the Unit Enrolment with the correct (consistent) values should fix this error.

Another thing to check is the E490 (HEIMS Student Status Code) in the Unit Enrolment compared to the Funding Type (in the unit enrolment). e.g. If the unit has a Funding type of FEE-HELP, you have to make sure that you're not reporting a unit as Overseas UPFRONT in E490.

Last updated