TCSI Error Code - 10555

The Residential Address Country Code (E658) is inconsistent with the value reported for Citizen Resident Code (E358).

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Residential Address Country Code (E658) and the Citizen Resident Code (E358). If the Citizen Resident Code (E358) indicates that the person is residing in Australia only temporarily ('4') or is residing outside Australia ('5') then the Residential Address Country Code (E658) must not be Australia ('1101', '1102' or '1199').

Error Logic

If the Residential Address Country Code (E658) is '1101', '1102' or '1199', then the current Citizen Resident Code (E358) must not be '4' or '5'.

Paradigm Error Resolution

The Residential Address Country Code (E658) is inconsistent with the value reported for Citizen Resident Code (E358).

Use Case 1

A student is an international student and has an E358 value coded in Paradigm of “has a temporary entry permit…” (meaning their permanent addresses are overseas). In the Permanent/BILLING ADDRESS Details section, you need to fill out the student's overseas details instead of an Australian address.

The Overseas Student field must also be set to YES. To edit this field, navigate to Student > Student Details > Edit Details and go to the INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS ONLY section.

Use Case 2

An international student with a permanent address in Australia with an UPFRONT payment receives a 10555 error and when the record is pushed to TCSI it gives another message about not submitting the data successfully as it’s missing loan fee details.

This is an example of where one piece of data entry breaks a chain of cross-field validation rules in TCSI, meaning the errors received complaints about one field when the actual cause is another field.

The chain is as follows:

  • The student has a permanent address in Australia

  • The student citizenship packet declares the student as a temporary resident (e.g. a student visa holder)

  • TCSI does not accept the concept of a temporary resident being permanently living in Australia, therefore it rejects the citizenship packet and marks it as invalid

  • The attempt to send the financial fields to TCSI fails due to TCSI being unable to cross-verify the financial status of the student with the citizenship packet as there is no citizenship packet

To resolve the issue, you will need to change the student’s Paradigm BILLING ADDRESS to make it an overseas address. This change is made via the screen located: STUDENT > Student Details > Edit Contact Info.

Select the address type “BILLING” and update it appropriately to reflect an overseas address.

Use Case 3

A student has just been granted Australian Citizenship and you have submitted a Citizenship packet, thus, receiving the 10555 validation error.

  1. Please ensure that the student's Billing Address is a valid address located in Australia. Navigate to Student > Student Details > Edit Contact Info (BILLING) section.

  2. Add or edit the student's Billing Address information and save the record. Also, add the Residential address type details accordingly.

  3. Try and submit the Citizenship packet again.

  4. Make sure that the Student's Course Enrolment E490 (TCSI Student Status Code) is also updated. For cases when a student has already Unit Enrolments involved with the old E490 value reported, raise a ticket.

Last updated