TCSI Error Code - 10203
Student Given Name - First (E403) is null
TCSI Error Description
Please check the Student Status Code (E490) and the Student Given Name - First (E403) on the linked Student record (UID8). The Student Given Name - First (E403) must be reported for all Commonwealth-assisted students before they are admitted to a course and enrolled in a unit of study for which they will receive Commonwealth assistance (E490 is β110β, β111β, β112β, β201β, β202β, β203β, β204β, β220β, β230β, β231β, β232β, β233β, β250β, β260β, β261β, β262β, β401β to β410β).
Error Logic
If Student Status Code (E490) is β110β, β111β, β112β, β201β, β202β, β203β, β204β, β220β, β230β, β231β, β232β, β233β, β250β, β260β, β261β, β262β, β401β to β410β, then for the linked Student record (UID8), the Student Given Name - First (E403) must not be blank (null).
Paradigm Error Resolution
This Unit Enrolment error means that the student details need to be resubmitted before you try to save the unit enrolment (Student details were not previously submitted.) It means that the unit enrolment update is returning the error. The reason it is failing is that the student record has not yet been saved, or has an error. The unit enrolment cannot proceed until the record has a valid UID for the student that relates to the unit enrolment. To explain, the unit enrolment is the child record, but it cannot exist until it has a valid parent record i.e. a student record with a valid UID.
To resolve the error, navigate to the Student > Student Details > Edit Details menu (see Edit Student Details in Paradigm) and click the SAVE STUDENT button. Make sure that the Student TCSI UID is returned and validated before any attempt to edit and save the Unit Enrolment again.
Last updated