Two-Factor Authentication with TOTP


Configuring your Paradigm site to have a 2FA capability is best discussed with our Development Team first for the details of the instructions. Raise a HelpDesk ticket to start.

2FA Overview

The definition below is an extract from the Microsoft Security site:

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is an identity and access management security method that requires two forms of identification to access resources and data. 2FA gives businesses the ability to monitor and help safeguard their most vulnerable information and networks.

Read more here.


TOTP stands for Time-based One-Time Passwords. Depending on your business or institution's requirements, you have the option to choose your TOTP authenticator. Currently, we are using Google Authenticator to test the functionalities in Paradigm for 2FA to work.

Paradigm Prerequisites

Refer to the following prerequisites for the 2FA implementation on your site:

  • Login Accounts (depending on whose logins you want the 2FA enabled - students or contacts) must be disabled first

  • All accounts that are to use 2FA must have email addresses recorded in the system

Initial 2FA Registration and Configurations

You can refer to the demo video below to see the initial registration of an account when 2FA is implemented and additional configurations of the accounts' records

Login in Paradigm with 2FA

You can refer to the demo video below to see how the login works in Paradigm with 2FA

Last updated