View Related Unit Enrolments of a Scheduled Unit

This page will provide you with instructions on how you can view unit enrolments related to a Scheduled Unit in Paradigm

  1. Search for the Scheduled Unit record that you want to view the unit enrolments, see Search a Scheduled Unit.

  2. Once the Scheduled Unit record is loaded, go to the RELATED UNIT ENROLMENT section and select the VIEW UNIT ENROLMENTS button.

  1. This will return the list of all students currently enrolled on the Scheduled Unit. You can select the View button to view or edit each unit enrolment record.


For TCSI reportable unit enrolments, the last column on the right displays the UID16 of each unit enrolment and the status on the first column. An action button to DELETE UNIT ENROLMENTS FROM TCSI is also available in this section.

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