Manage Course Fees

This page will provide the workflows on how how you can manage Course Fees in Paradigm.


For cases when you need to charge students with unit fees that would not necessarily be categorised as unit enrolments, Paradigm allows you to create Course Fee Units that you can add to a student course enrolment record and do the necessary accounting processes that you would normally do to Unit Enrolments. Course Fees are independent of the Time Period constraint you have set for Unit Enrolments. It follows the Course Enrolment dates.

Another notable use of Course Fees is in circumstances when students would want to pay their tuition on a plan basis independent of the semester or normal unit enrolment fee payment, see Create a Course Fee Plan


Contact our Support Team if you haven't used this part of the system and are planning to implement it in your business or organisation to discuss your requirements in detail and set you up properly.


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