Add Course Fees to Course Enrolments in Bulk

  1. Create a bulk list of targeted students you want to add the Course Fee to their Course Enrolment records.

    • Choose one from the available workflows in Paradigm on how you can generate a bulk list of students here. When selecting a workflow to generate a bulk list of students, ensure that the column includes both the Student NumberandCourse Enrolment Id.

    • If you want to create a bulk list of students who are enrolled in the same Course, follow the instructions on this workflow.

  2. After your list has been generated, navigate to the Student > Bulk Course Edit menus on the side. Note the final list of the students to be edited is shown in the COURSE ENROLMENT BULK LIST section.

  1. In the Bulk Course Edit screen, go to the ADD BULK COURSE FEE section, set the Course Fee Amount and click the CREATE NEXT COURSE FEE button.


You can optionally set the Course Fee From and Thru Date of the fee as necessary/required, e.g. matching it to the bulk invoicing Enrolment Period field.

  1. Click CREATE COURSE FEE again to confirm.

  1. Success messages should show if successful. The recently added Course Fee can be viewed and edited via the Course Enrolment > Units screen under the FEE UNITS ENROLLED BY STUDENT section for each student's Course Enrolment record in the bulk list.

Last updated