Step 7 - Produce Report

This page will provide you with instructions on how to produce your report as the last step in building a report in Report Builder


After you have built your report by following the previous workflows, you can now view the output of your report by generating it. Depending on how you built your report - if you have saved it, you have two ways to produce an output of your report, one is within Report Builder and another way is accessing it in the Reports menu.

Generating the report within Report Builder is designed for users who are building the report. The ones who want to see the components of how the report is being built while the other way of producing it (in the Reports menu) is designed for users who just want to run the report without wanting to know the details, running it in a more user-friendly format.


Before you follow the instructions below, the following are assumed to be true:

  • You have already chosen a base or saved report and is already loaded into the system. If this is not the case, start with Step 1 - Select a Base Report instructions;

  • You have already selected the columns (data or information) you want to be included in your report output. If not, refer to the Step 2 - Add and Remove Fields instructions;

  • You have already renamed and reordered the fields (if necessary and required) that you want to see in your report output, refer to the Step 3 - Rename and Reorder Fields instructions;

  • You have already added filters (as necessary and required) for your intended report output, refer to the Step 4 - Add Filter Clauses instructions;

  • You have already saved your report (as you deemed fit) - Step 5 - Save Report. Note that you can also format your report and produce it without saving it first if you choose to; and

  • You have already chosen an output file format for your report - Step 6 - Format Report.


Produce the Report within the Report Builder

The instructions below assume that you are continuing the report that you built in Report Builder (in the process of generating it). If you opt to run the report that you have saved in the Reports menu instead of within Report Builder, refer to the Run a Saved Report Workflow.

If you lost the report on your current Report Builder screen, as long as you have saved it already - refer to the Edit a Saved Report workflow to load your saved report.

  1. To generate the report, go to the FORMAT REPORT section.

After choosing an output file (following the previous workflow), click the PRODUCE REPORT button.

  1. Depending on the output format that you have selected, your report has now been generated, e.g. if CSV is selected, you can now download the result of your report in CSV format.

Produce the Report in the Reports menu

To produce your saved report outside of Report Builder, navigate to the Reports menu and the Type field where you saved your report, e.g. Student and look for the name of your report. Click the GET REPORT button to try running your report, see Run a Saved Report for more details.

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