TCSI for PIR Providers


The Provider Information Request (PIR) is a request for information under Section 28 of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency Act 2011 (TEQSA Act). This article outlines all of the packets and sub-packets that underpin the reporting requirements for the Provider Information Request (PIR) as at 2022.

All data is reported in data packets, as described in this document. Each packet comprises data elements. Detailed specifications for each data element are available from the TCSI Support Data Element Dictionary.

PIR reporting from Paradigm will only be possible when the Paradigm provider record containing the Parent Reporting Provider field has been set with the value of the main TCSI reportable provider party Id. If this field has not been set, many of the PIR reports will fail to produce any data.

The main TCSI reportable provider record must also have a date set for the Effective From Date field, as an indicator of when the provider became active. The absence of a date in this field will also cause PIR reports to return no data.

Key Resources

The government maintains a comprehensive set of resources to support providers who are planning on transitioning to or are already reporting via TCSI PIR:

What is a Unique Identifier (UID)?

Unique Identifier (UID) - these are used to support Business to Government (B2G) reporting via the TCSI API to identify and keep track of records. A single UID replaces the combination of identifying elements that were previously used in HEIMS reporting to uniquely identify a record. The presence of a UID is required in order for a record to be updated via TCSI reporting.

Compliance with Due Dates

Courses of Study Group (PIR)

The PIR course of study packet is used to report data on the courses of study offered by each provider. The data collected through a PIR course of study packet is referenced by one or more PIR course packets.

Course of Study Packet (generates UID3)

Courses Group (PIR)

Course Packet (PIR) (generates UID5)

The course packet is used to report data on the courses offered by each provider. Each course packet must be linked to an established PIR course of study packet. The data collected through a PIR course packet may be referenced by one or more:

*Each PIR course packet must have a value for E307 (course code) that is unique to the provider.

Course fields of education sub-packet (PIR)

Note that the fields

  • E312 Special Course Type

  • E609 Special Interest Course Effective From Date, and

  • E610 Special Interest Course Effective To Date

are not required for PIR reporting.

Campuses Group (PIR)

Campus Packet (PIR)

The PIR campus packet is used to report data on the campuses from which providers deliver their courses. The data collected through a PIR campus packet is referenced by one or more course on campus packets.


Each PIR campus packet must:

Courses on Campuses Group (PIR)

Courses on Campus Packet (PIR) (generates UID4)

The PIR course on campus packet is used to report which courses are delivered from which campuses and to provide data on the features of the courses as delivered at each campus. Each PIR course on campus packet must be linked to an established PIR campus packet and an established PIR course packet.


Providers are required to report a PIR course on campus packet for every:

  • undergraduate course* that is undertaken by domestic students at an Australian campus

  • postgraduate course work course that is undertaken by domestic students at an Australian campus

  • all courses delivered at an offshore campus.

*This does not include enabling courses


Each PIR course on campus packet must have a combination of campus (UID2 or E525/E644/E559) and course (UID5 or E307) that is unique to the provider.

Students Group (PIR)

  • Student packet (PIR)

  • Disability packet (PIR)

  • Citizenship packet (PIR)

  • First reported address packet (PIR)

Student Packet (PIR) (generates UID8)

The PIR student packet is used to report key identity, address and demographic data for students at the provider. The data collected through a PIR student packet is referenced by one or more PIR course admission packets.


Providers are required to report data for all domestic, overseas, onshore and offshore students enrolled in or undertaking a course of study leading to a higher education award of the organisation.


Each PIR student packet must have a student identification code (E313) that is unique to the provider.

Disability extension (sub-packet)

The disability packet is used to report disability codes (E615) for a student and changes through time in line with a student’s disabilities. A provider may create as many PIR disability packets as necessary to add disability codes (E615) for a student.


Each PIR disability packet must have a value for the disability code (E615) that is unique to the student on any given date, as determined by disability effective dates (E609 and E610).

Citizenship extension (sub-packet)

The PIR citizenship packet is used to report citizenship and residency information and changes through time to the citizen resident code (E358) for a student. A provider may create as many additional citizenship packets as necessary to report changes to a student's citizenship or residency status through time.

Course Admissions Group (PIR)

  • Course admission packet (PIR)

  • Basis for admission packet (PIR)

  • Course prior credit packet (PIR)

  • Specialisation packet (PIR)

Course Admission Packet (PIR) (generates UID15)

The PIR course admission packet is used to report the admission of students into courses and provide data on aspects of the student's admission and engagement in the course. Each PIR course admission packet must be linked to an established PIR student packet and established course packet. The data collected through a PIR course admission packet may be referenced by one or more PIR unit enrolment packets.


Each PIR course admission packet must have a unique combination of values for:

  • student (UID8 or E313)

  • course (UID5 or E307)

  • course of study commencement date (E534).

The combination of student (UID8 or E313), course (UID5 or E307) and course of study commencement date (E534) must also be unique across all PIR course admissions packets for the provider.

Basis for admission sub-packet (PIR)

The PIR basis for admission packet is used to report basis for admission codes (E327) for the student’s admission into a course. A provider may create one or two PIR bases for admission packets to report up to two bases for admission codes (E327) for a course admission.

Course prior credit sub-packet (PIR)

Specialisation sub-packet (PIR)

HDR end-user engagement (sub-packet)

See: TCSI | HDR End-User Engagement Packet

Scholarship (sub-packet)

See: TCSI | Scholarship Packet

RTP stipend amount (sub-packet)

See: TCSI | RTP Stipend Amount Packet

Unit Enrolments Group (PIR)

Unit Enrolment Packet (generates UID16)


E622 Unit of study year-long indicator

A unit of study is a full-year unit if the duration of the unit is a full academic year or longer (e.g. two semesters or three trimesters in length equalling a period of one academic year or more).

E355 Unit of study status code and E599 Course outcome code

These fields have been mapped to TCSI. Read more here.

E601 Unit of study outcome date

The system will report the contents of the first non-blank date found in the following fields processed in order:

  1. Unit enrolment withdrawal date

  2. Unit enrolment grade release date

  3. Scheduled unit end date


The EFSTL value of the unit is copied down from the base unit (Units > Edit HEIMS Details: EFTSL Load (UGrad), EFTSL Load (PGrad))


another possible source is from the scheduled unit fee (Units > Edit scheduled, Fee associated with the scheduled unit)

Last updated