Search for an Email Template

This page contains instructions on how to search for an existing email template in Paradigm.


As a Provider, you have a record of existing email templates used in various communications. The templates are stored as data resources in your system, as an option within the Provider menu. The instructions in this workflow describe how to search and view the data resource templates that you have stored in your business or institution.


  1. Choose Providers > Search Content menus on the side.

Enter your search criteria (Data Resource Name or Number, Purpose, Category, or Status). Click the SEARCH DATA RESOURCE button. This will return a list of data resources/templates that meet your search criteria.

  1. You can filter the list of returned options by using the Filter Box to type in a keyword or phrase that appears somewhere within the definition of the template that you want to search for. This will reduce the number of results to include only the data resources that contain the keyword or phrase that you’ve entered.

  1. After clicking the template that you want to view or search, it will open the EDIT DATA RESOURCE section of that template.

Last updated