Customising the Application Form


The majority of the form fields and labels on the Application form are customisable. For users who have FULLADMIN permission, you can edit the labels of the fields as well as turn on/off the visibility of those fields. Setting mandatory or required fields is part of the onboarding process and is configured by Silverband as appropriate for your institution.


To edit labels and form fields of the application process on a per-screen basis, please turn to the following page: Editing Labels, Form Fields, and Code Items of the Applicant Portal on a Per-Screen Basis

Registration Form

Customisation of the content within the REGISTRATION DETAILS section is possible by editing the labels with the "student_program_application_firstStepInstructions" ID.

Registration Form content to customise

You can customise the following page in the registration process, which is the successful registration page, by editing this label ID: program_enrolment_application_successMessage

Successful Registration screen

Setting Mandatory or Required Fields

Setting mandatory and required fields on the Online Applicant Portal is part of the onboarding process. You will have already defined all required fields that you want the applicant to fill in when they apply for your Scheduled Course before you start accepting applications.

A recent update on editing form fields can now let you set some of the fields as Required in the Applicant Access Permission Level, see Edit Form Fields: Make a Field Required

If the fields that you want to be set as required have no option to be edited as a form field or you cannot find their Id using the Edit Form Fields menu, raise a ticket or contact our Support Team.

Marking Field Visibility and Editability (Form Fields)

Refer to the Edit Form Fields documentation for more details on the instructions below.

  1. The fastest way to make the fields visible (found in the Online Applicant Portal) is to copy the LINK/URL of the specific Applicant Portal page where the fields you want to hide are located in your main FULLADMIN Paradigm account.

Refer to the Edit Form Fields documentation for more details.

In the sample screenshot above, if you want to set the Preferred Name field hidden, you select the EDIT FORM FIELD option, click the TOGGLE ALL button to remove all the checkmarks or only make it hidden against the APPLICANT and click the SAVE FORM FIELD button. Refreshing the page on the Applicant Portal as a user who has logged in with Applicant permission will let you double-check whether the field has been hidden successfully.

Edit Form Fields and Labels Directly in Paradigm

Alternatively, if you already have a test Applicant record who submitted an application already, you can load that Applicant Account directly in Paradigm within your Admin account and navigate to the COURSE ENROLMENTS section of the applicant's summary screen, click the ACTIONS button and choose the Couse Enrolment Application option.

Note that the instructions in this section require that you have FULL ADMIN access to Paradigm.

  1. After clicking the Couse Enrolment Application option. Click the SAVE DETAILS button to continue with the form as an applicant and edit the required forms and labels.

click the SAVE DETAILS to navigate through the application pages
option to edit the label or a form field in the applicant portal
  1. Refer to the Edit Form Fields and Edit Labels documentation for more details.

Changing Label Text (Edit Labels)

Follow the same instructions as above when changing the field label text. Just select the EDIT LABEL option instead of the EDIT FORM FIELD. Refer to the Edit Labels documentation for more details on editing labels in Paradigm.

In the sample screenshot above, if you want the Preferred Name field label changed, you select the EDIT LABEL option, change the Short Text field to your preferred label, and click SAVE LABEL. Refreshing the page on the Applicant Portal as a user who has logged in with Applicant permission will let you double-check whether the field label is changed successfully.

Required Attachments

The page in the application where the applicants are asked to attach the required attachments and set it as mandatory or not is customisable via the Base Course record. Simply load the Base Course record and go to the COURSE APPLICATION DETAILS section, see Preparing the Base Course workflow. Select or highlight the items that you want to set as mandatory under the Online Application Course Enrolment Required Attachments field. If they are not mandatory, select them under the Optional Course Application File Attachments field.

selecting the required and optional application attachments

The items on the list can be customised via the Edit Code Items menu under the CONTENT_CAT_COURSE Course Type Id. The existing list can be made visible or hidden, edit the description.

If you want to add another required attachment that is not on the list, simply click the ADD NEW CODE ITEM button and follow the pattern of the fields to fill out from the existing item.

Online Attachment items that can be customised as Code Items

After you have added the new attachment items, go back to the Base Course record and highlight or select the items under the Online Application Course Enrolment Required Attachments if you want them mandatory. If they are not mandatory, select them under the Optional Course Application File Attachments field, see Preparing the Base Course workflow.

To edit the labels of the newly added required attachments, you can navigate to the System > Edit Labels menu and search for "applicant_fileAttachment". Edit the Short Text field depending on what label you want the applicant to see for each CONTENT_CAT_COURSE Course Type Id in their Associated File Attachments section.

editing the label or display text in the Online Applicant Portal File Attachments section

Apply to Study: Terms and Conditions

In Step 2 - Apply to Study workflow when an applicant applies to study, there is a Terms and Conditions section that they need to read and is customisable by your business or institution. To customise this section, navigate to System > Edit Label menus on the side and search for the "stud_prog_ap_instruc" Label Id. Edit the content under the Help Text (long) section and SAVE LABEL, see Edit Labels by Searching

Apply to Study: Applicant Agreement CheckBoxes

Below the Terms and Conditions section in Step 2 - Apply to Study workflow when an applicant applies to study, there are a series of checkboxes where applicants put checkmarks to agree on the terms. To customise this section, navigate to System > Edit Label menus on the side and load each of the Label Ids below, depending on which one you would want to edit.

  • program_enrolment_application_agreeTerms

  • program_enrolment_application_understand

  • program_enrolment_application_authorizeVerification

  • program_enrolment_application_understandFees

  • program_enrolment_application_privacyCollection

  • program_enrolment_application_disclosure

  • program_enrolment_application_minimalInformation

  • stud_prog_ap_sigblk1 - 'If I am accepted as a Student of xxx College, I agree to abide by the regulations as defined in the xxx College handbook (this can be viewed on the xxx College website: click here)."

  • program_enrolment_application_applicantSignature

  • program_enrolment_application_applicantSignatureDate

Edit the Short Text field and SAVE LABEL, see Edit Labels by Searching.

Application Completed page

You can customise the completed application page by editing this label ID: program_enrolment_application_completed.

Applicant has completed the application

Course Offer: Terms and Conditions

In Step 4 - Accepting or Deferring an Offer workflow when an applicant receives the offer, there is a Terms and Conditions section that they need to read and is customisable by your business or institution. To customise this section, navigate to System > Edit Label menus on the side and search for the "applicant_termsAndConditions " Label Id. Edit the content under the Help Text (long) section and SAVE LABEL, see Edit Labels by Searching

Last updated