TCSI Error Code - 10295

The Student Status Code (E490) is not a valid code.

TCSI Error Description

Please check the list of acceptable codes and report the correct Student Status Code (E490) for the unit enrolment.

Error Logic

If the Student Status Code (E490) is not blank (null), then the Student Status Code (E490) must match a current value in the RefStudentLiabilityAndStatusType table on the Unit of Study Census Date (E489).

Paradigm Error Resolution

Check that the value for HEIMS Student Status (E490) on the unit enrolment is an acceptable option as defined by the Student Status code | TCSI Support and is correct according to the student's circumstance. Select a valid field value before attempting to submit the unit enrolment again.

Edit the Unit Enrolment record, to edit the E490 field accordingly and click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button to resubmit the record TCSI.

You can also set the E490 field's default value for all future Unit Enrolments of the student by setting the HEIMS Student Status field in the Course Enrolment level via Student > Course Enrolment > Course menu.

Last updated