Run a Saved Report Outside of Report Builder

This page will provide you with instructions on how to run a Saved Report in Paradigm


After saving your report, to access it and generate a result you have the option to access it outside of Report Builder. Saved Reports built via Report Builder are saved under the Reports menu in Paradigm.

When saving the report, you have to remember what type of report you have saved it to and generate the report from there. Saved Reports in Paradigm can be saved in the following types: All, Provider, Student, Financial, Marketing, etc.

For example, if you built a report in Report Builder and you saved it with the Financial type, to access, load, or run your saved report, you have the option to find it under the Reports menu in Paradigm and the type you've saved it to, e.g. Financial.

How to do it in Paradigm?

If you have saved your report in the Financial type, as shown in the screenshot below. Refer to Step 5 - Save Report Workflow for the instructions on how to save a report.

To run the report that you have saved - following the example above, if saved as a Financial type, navigate to Reports > Financial menus in Paradigm to access it.

Navigate to the other section under the Reports menu depending on what type the report has been saved as shown in the above screenshot.


Refer to the above example wherein in the (1) Reports menu you are going to access the saved report. Once you are in the specific Reports menu section, saved reports under that type will be displayed.

Following the above example, e.g. in the (2) Financial section - you can (3) use the Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command-F (Mac) to find the specific title of the report that you have saved to save you time from scrolling through the list.

Once you have found your report, (4) verify the title and make sure that it's the correct report that you want to run and (5) click the GET REPORT button.

After clicking the GET REPORT button, it will open the form depending on how the report was built. (6) Enter or verify the fields that are marked as mandatory * and then (7) select the report output file type you want before you finally (8) click the PRODUCE REPORT button.


The report will now be generated depending on your selected output format. More details on Alternative Data Formats can be found here.

Edit a Saved Report

If you want to edit or load the Saved Report in Report Builder, refer to the Edit a Saved Report workflow.

Last updated