Substitute Units


For cases when some of your units in the course of study are to be substituted for some reason, the Course Outline in Paradigm has the capability to add the substitute units and the Substitute Unit constraint to them. This way, the students can still see the historical units that were replaced.


  • Students who were enrolled in the substituted units will retain their historical records (as is) with the original units

  • Students who are currently enrolled in the units that are to be substituted will remain enrolled in the original units

  • The units' substitutes will only be reflected on new enrolments


  1. Add the substitute units in your Course Outline as Core or Elective Units, see Step 2 - Add the Units that make up the Course as Core or Elective.

  2. After adding the substitute units, refer to the instructions on this workflow on Adding Substitute Units in the Course Outline to add the Substitute Unit constraint.

  3. Once the substitute constraint is added, refer to the following scenarios when enrolling via the Course Plan.

When Enrolling via the Course Plan

In the sample screenshot provided below, you can see that the ComSci100 unit has been substituted with the ComSci000 unit. When students hover over the units, they will receive detailed information about the unit substitution. If a student has already completed the unit that has been substituted, the substitute unit will be indicated as "Completed."

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