eCAF Error: Incorrect Login ID or Password

ERROR: The following error(s) occurred with your eCAF enrolment request: [401] Error connecting to the API ( Incorrect login ID or password.

This problem usually arises when users input their individual Username and Password on the Paradigm eCAF Login screen, thereby overriding the institution's login.

It is crucial to inform all of your staff that altering the ECAF login screen to display their personal username and password is unnecessary. It is also important to note that a personal eCaf username and password has lesser permissions than your official organisation's eCaf username and password, so attempting to submit an eCaf from Paradigm via anyone's personal username and password is likely to fail on all occasions.

If your goal is solely to submit an ECAF, you should refrain from making any changes on the ECAF Login screen. The only permissible modification on that screen should be in the password field when updating the password of the institution's eCAF login after its expiration.


  1. Verify the Username and Password entered on the Paradigm ECAF Login screen, ensuring it corresponds to your institution's registered eCaf Username, and not any other system user's personal account.

  2. Enter the password as required.

  3. Try to submit an eCAF for a single student.

  4. If you encounter the same error message, proceed to reset the password directly on the eCAF site. Record that new password in the Password field on the eCaf Login screen and Save it. Then try to submit the eCAF for a single student. If any error messages appear, please raise a new Helpdesk support request ticket and include those messages so that we can investigate further.

Last updated