Record a Payment Deferring to FEE-HELP the Entire Tuition Amount

This page will provide you with instructions on how to record a Unit Enrolment payment in Paradigm deferring the entire tuition amount to FEE-HELP


If a Student is eligible for government help study assistance, an option to defer the entire Unit Enrolment Fee Amount to the government is possible. You also have an option in Paradigm to check the status of the Student's loan via the Student > Course Enrolment > Units screen.


  1. Load the Student's Unit Enrolment record where you want to defer the entire tuition amount to FEE-HELP, see Edit a Unit Enrolment record.

  2. With the Unit Enrolment record loaded, go to the FINANCIAL INFORMATION section and update the following fields:

    • Funding Type - set this to FEE-HELP, or to any of the government funding types the student is eligible

    • Upfront Payment - make sure that this field is blank or set to 0.00


If the Student is an Undergraduate the HEIMS Loan Fee will automatically calculate to 25% of the Unit Fee and the Funding Amount will auto-populate from the Unit Fee. After the TCSI reporting requirements have been fulfilled, the Amount Received can be entered in full to pay off the unit.

  1. In the TCSI INFORMATION section, update the following field:

    • Student Status Code (E490) - make sure that it's set to reflect a (government help) FEE-HELP payment, e.g. 230

  1. Click the SAVE UNIT ENROLMENT button to apply the changes.

Last updated