TCSI Error Code - 10168

The Course Outcome Date (E592) is a date in the future.

TCSI Error Description

Please check the Course Outcome Date (E592). It cannot be a future date.

Error Logic

If the Course Outcome Date (E592) is not blank (null), then the Course Outcome Date (E592) must not be in the future.

Paradigm Error Resolution

Course enrolment outcome date cannot be in the future. When reporting a course enrolment status linked to an element E599 value, then make sure the course enrolment end date is not set to a date in the future.

The date should reflect the processing date or approval date of the action granting the completion to the student. An example would be the date when the academic board certifies the outcome as being valid. This is likely a date before the graduation ceremony itself.

You can edit the Expected End Date field via Student > Course Enrolment > Course menus on the side,(see Edit a Student Course Enrolment Record in Paradigm).

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