Student Audition


If you are utilising the Online Applicant Portal, the answers and information provided by students on their application forms can be accessed by administrators through the Student Audition menu. This feature enables administrators to view the applicant's data and responses conveniently.


  1. Load the applicant's record - you might need to set the Status to Applied when searching.

  2. Once the student is loaded, navigate to the Student > Course Enrolment > Student Audition menus on the side.

The Student Audition menu contains the following sections from the application form:


This section contains the following fields from the applicants. Note that the fields and information that you can find here depend on how you have set up your application and the fields you required for them to fill out. The following are the default:

  • Applicant Number - the system-generated student or applicant number

  • Last Name - applicant's Last Name entered upon applying to the Course

  • Given Names - applicant's First Name entered when they applied online

  • Where did they hear about us? the marketing option you have provided and they have chosen

  • What is your ancestry? (For example: Chinese, English, Scottish, South African, Italian, Malaysian, Vietnamese). Please feel free to provide more than one ancestry if necessary


  • Course Name - the course that they have selected to apply

  • Study Area - if applicable

  • Address - applicant's street name

  • Suburb - suburb if residing in Australia

  • State - Australian State if living here

  • Postal Code - postal code of their address

  • Home Phone - if provided

  • Mobile Number - applicant's mobile number

  • Work Phone - as applicable

  • Email Address - applicant's email address used to register and apply online

  • Indigenous Status - as specified by the applicant

  • Citizenship - the applicant's citizenship status upon application

  • Country of Birth - applicant's country of birth

  • Other Language - as applicable


The emergency details of the applicant as provided during the application and the fields are also asked by your institution in the Online Applicant form.

  • Emergency Contact Name

  • Relationship

  • Contact Details


This displays the applicant's past application history to your institution - the course and the year when they attempted to apply.


If required and if provided by the applicant, the employer name, employment mode and position held are all to be displayed in this section


This section contains the educational qualifications of the applicant. Some of the fields are included in this section:

  • Year Attended Year 12

  • School

  • State

  • Subjects Studied

  • What is the name of the course you completed?

  • At which university/TAFE did you achieve this qualification

  • State - The Australian state where the course was completed is located

  • Highest Education Level


This has the answers to the questions you have provided in the form in order to qualify to study the course offered. Some examples of the questions are as follows:

  • Previous Study

  • Previous Experience

  • Other Skills

  • Relevant Memberships

  • Career Detail

  • Other Career Path Detail

  • Strategic Vision

  • Aspiration

Last updated