Student Login

This page will guide you on how to create and edit student login credentials that enable or restrict student access to the system.

A Note on Student Access Level

  • One or more different security levels can be assigned to a student's Login ID at any time;

  • The highest security level assigned to a student is the one that is used each time the student logs in; and

  • The highest security level assigned to a student may allow that student to change the login details and security levels of other students.

Some system functions require high-level access permission because performing those functions can have system-wide implications. A student should never be granted permission to run any such high-level functions, and should only ever be able to change their own login details and no one else's details.

A student should only ever be assigned an access level of STUDENT ACCESS LEVEL. When the student record is loaded, the access level appears as STUDENT in the Security Group column of the ASSIGNED SECURITY FOR USER LOGIN section. Many records can appear in the list for this student, each with a From Date and a Thru Date for historical records that may have expired.

If a student record shows any access level rows for any Security Group other than STUDENT, those rows should be removed.


Extreme care must be taken to ensure that each student is given an access level that limits them to change only the details for their own student record.

Current Password Policy

The current password policy is customised per institution so you will need to contact your "nominated contact person" or other Paradigm experts for details of the current password policy that is in force for your institution. An example password policy is that a password must contain:

  • a minimum of 8 characters,

  • a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, and

  • at least one number.

Student Login Options

Paradigm EMS can let you choose the following password policies for new user logins: Contact our Support Team to set up your site to a specific student password policy as mentioned below:

  • Historic settings (Default) - The password is set based on the agreed password format settings for the site and falls back to a default plan. Each time a new student record is created, your institution-specific workflow for sending the credentials has to be followed.

  • Randomised Password - Normally used for new applicants and sent via email - will send a random password format. Each time a new student record is created, an automatic email (STU_PWD_RESET_RAND data resource template) will be sent to the student providing them with a system-generated (random) password. Learn more here.

  • Token-Based Password - Use the same system as password resets, where we send a token that is used by the user to set the password. Each time a new student is created, an automatic email (STU_PWD_RESET_TKN data resource template) will be sent to the student providing them with a link to set their password. Learn more here.

  • Single-Sign-On (SSO) - This allows students to log in to Paradigm, e.g. using their Microsoft account. Your site needs to be configured if you opt for an SSO login option.

  • Two-Factor Authentication with TOTP - This requires 2FA to log in to Paradigm. Read more here for the configuration and details.

Student Password Email Template

For users who can read HTML, the default email template code is described below. Note that the template uses a number of additional labels that may be edited as normal labels within Paradigm, see Available Email Merge Fields.

  • reset_user_login_password_emailHtmlHeader - a generic label that is included as a header in the body of the email template

  • reset_user_login_password_emailHtmlFooter - a generic label that is included as a footer in the body of the email template

The template also includes a form field ("reset_user_login_password_email_userLoginId") that allows the provider to turn on or off the advice that students may also use their email addresses to access the system

To create a new email template related to students' credentials, refer to the instructions on this workflow: Create a New Email Template. A sample of the email template when sending out new credentials is in the screenshot below: NOTE that the texts in red are just comments - do not include them in the template

sample email template when sending out new credentials

Refer to the instructions on how you can search and edit email templates in Paradigm: Manage Email Templates to customise the data resource email template below

(1) Historical Settings - Create an email template with the suggested Username and Password and other available email merge fields above

(2) Random - The STU_PWD_RESET_RAND data resource template is available to be customised for Student Random Password Reset new student account configuration

(3) Token-Based Password Reset - The STU_PWD_RESET_TKN data resource template is available to be customised for Student Token Password Reset new student account configuration.


The instructions below assume that the Student record whose login details are to be edited is loaded in Paradigm, see Search a Student record. With the Student record loaded in the system, navigate to Student > Student Details > Login menus on the side.

Enable Student Login

Go to the ACTIVATE USER LOGIN section. Click the ENABLE USER LOGIN button. The Enabled field should now have a Y value.

enabling the student login

Set the Password for the New Student Account

Create a New User Login if you are using the Historical Settings password policy - manually create a new user login for students.

Go to the CHANGE PASSWORD section. Enter the dummy password you would normally assign to new student accounts, e.g. dd/mm/yyyy and click the UPDATE USER PASSWORD button.

setting the password for the new student login account

Enable that checkmark on the field that says Reset on next login and click the SET button.

enabling the reset on next login configuration

Password Reset

Follow the instructions below if you are doing a manual password reset.

Go to the CHANGE PASSWORD section. Enter the password details and click the UPDATE USER PASSWORD button. Set the RESET ON NEXT LOGIN section by putting a checkmark in the checkbox that says "Reset on next login" and clicking the SET button.

Disable a Student Login Account


A returning student will be unable to apply or enrol when all their personal details are identical to an existing record that has been archived. Enrolling with the same details would create an identical matching record.

The existing β€œArchived” record must be set as Active by a staff member with full admin or flex admin permission. A login record can then be created or updated as necessary.

There are ways you can disable a student from logging in to Paradigm by checking on the options below:

  • Course Enrolment Progression Status

    • How To - Navigate to Student > Course Enrolment > Course menu on the side and find the Progression Status field. Select the status accordingly, and refer to the following implications when choosing one of the options:

      1. Select the option of β€˜Show Login Message’ from the drop-down menu. This will prompt a message to the student asking them to contact the student services team when they first log in to Paradigm. Students are still able to navigate through the site.

      2. Select the option of β€˜Login Suspended’, which is a more serious approach. This will allow the student to access Paradigm, but on every screen, it presents a message: "Error: You are at risk of poor Course Progress. Your account has been suspended..." Whilst the student has any courses in progression status β€˜Login Suspended’, they will not be able to see or interact with any record within Paradigm.

  • Student Status Record Set as other than Active

    • How To - Navigate to the Student > Student Details > Edit Details menu on the side and find the Status field. Set this field to any status other than "Active". This will completely block the student from logging in to Paradigm.

Disable Students' Login Accounts in Bulk

  • Course Enrolment Progression Status

    • How To - Using report builder to build a bulk list of students whose login accounts are to be disabled. Refer to the Bulk List Creation workflow. If you are not familiar with using the Report Builder function, please contact our Support Team for assistance

      1. Once you build a bulk list of selected students, click Student from the side menu

      2. Click on the Bulk Course Edit option, this screen allows you to make changes to the selected students' course enrolment details and graduation details in bulk.

      3. You can select the Progression status on this screen for the selected bulk list of students. Referring to the above workflow, there are two different options for disabling the student logins.

      4. Click on the Save all Enrolments button. This will impact all students from the bulk list.

  • Student Status Record Set as other than Active

    • How To - Using report builder to build a bulk list of students whose login accounts are to be disabled. Refer to the Bulk List Creation workflow. If you are not familiar with using the Report Builder function, please contact our Support Team for assistance

      1. Once you build a bulk list of selected students, navigate to Student > Student Details > Bulk Edit menus on the side and go to the PERSONAL DETAILS section.

      2. Set the Status field common to your created bulk list of students other than "Active ", e.g. "Archived" and click the SAVE ALL STUDENTS button to save your changes.

Students Login Options: Randomised or Token-Based PasswordBulk Students Password Reset


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